Navigating the resource consent process can seem daunting for any project. But we streamline it, making it as simple and easy as possible for you with our expert guidance, to ensure a smooth journey to approval.

The way we achieve this is being up-to-date with best practices and procedures through our close working relationships with councils. We get first-hand experience by providing a resource consent processing service to them.

We can discuss development feasibility with your council in the earlier stages of your project to avoid nasty surprises and headaches down track. By understanding your goals and all factors that can affect your development, we can find the best opportunities to ensure the best chance of success.

For EPA, we can assist you with the preparation of plans, designs, drawings, and specifications to ensure timely approval with minimal hassles. This includes roadways, drainage, and water systems.

We can also help you with:

  • Scheme plans
  • Network discharge consents
  • Infrastructure assessment reports

Get practical advice on your project – Talk to Everest

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